Friday 15 May 2015

A rainy season favourite Sago Sticks - Sabudana Sticks

A rainy season favourite Sago Sticks - Sabudana Sticks

Sago/Sabudana - 1 cup
Potatoes - 3-4 normal size
Green Chilli - 2 chopped
Roasted Ground nut - 1/2 cup
Coriander Leaves - 14-15 leaves chopped
Salt - as per taste
Red chilli powder - as per taste

Refined Oil - to deep fry

Note: Preheat the oil to deep fry.

Dip sago in water for around 30-40 mins and keep it aside.

Wash potatoes and boil it in cooker and keep it aside. Peel potatoes after 15-20 mins. Now squeeze water from sago after 30-40 mins and put it in a big mixing bowl. Add peeled potatoes in to it along with chopped green chillies, roasted ground nuts, chopped coriander leaves, salt and red chilli as per taste.Mash it all properly with hands as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Once the mixture is ready shape it in a form of stick or any shape which you like as shown in Figure 2. Put it in a preheated oil to deep fry. Take out sticks from oil once it would turn in to nice golden color as shown in Figure 3. 

Figure 2                                                                                                                                 Figure 3

Now you sago sticks are ready to serve with Yogurt Mint dip and kissan tomato ketchup. For yogurt mint dip click the following link:

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