Saturday 25 April 2015

Cup Mushroom - Starters

Cup Mushroom - Starters


Button Mushroom - 1 Packet
Cottage Cheese - For stuffing
Small Red Onion - 1 Chopped
Black Pepper - as per taste
Salt - as per taste


Cottage cheese stuffing:

For cottage cheese visit below link

Mix chopped onion, salt, black pepper with cottage cheese and mash it properly. Now your cottage cheese stuffing is ready.

Seperate out the stems from button mushrooms and wash it properly as shown in Figure 1.


Fill the button mushrooms with the cottage cheese stuffing  as shown in Figure 2 and grill it on 180C for 20-25 mins in preheated oven as shown in Figure.

Figure 2                                          Figure 3

Serve it along with Yogurt Mint Dip as shown in Figure 4 - recipe is available on:

Figure 4

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