Monday 27 April 2015

Kiwi Splash

Kiwi Splash

Serving - 2 person


Kiwi Fruit - 4
Carbonated Water (Soda) - 1 bottle
Cumin Seeds (Jeera) - as per taste
Black Salt - as per taste

Method for Roasted Cumin Seeds Powder:

Add the cumin seeds in a small pan, roast it by keeping it on a low flame. Once it is roasted, crush it partially as shown in Figure 1.



Peel kiwi fruit properly. Dice it in to pieces. Put the diced kiwi pieces in to mixer grinder as shown in Figure 2 and churn it properly, it would turn in to fine paste as shown in to Figure 3. 

Figure 2                                                                                                                                         Figure 3
Figure 3

Add roasted cumin seeds powder in a serving glass along with a black salt. Fill a glass halfway with kiwi fruit paste. Add carbonated water in to it before serving. Now your kiwi splash is ready to serve.

Note: You can add sugar to balance the taste if required.

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